lundi 22 octobre 2012
THE PEREZ PROGENY PIPELINE: Happy Father's Day!: 30 years...things pretty much the same #fathersday ,
a photo by bokehjose on Flickr.
My Stories: Customer Complaints :-)
My Stories: Customer Complaints :-): A man boards a plane with six kids. After they get settled in their seats, a
woman sitting across the aisle leans over to him and asks, "Ar...
Another Mile: Hitting Reset
Another Mile: Hitting Reset: I'm really happy with how things went in Scranton last week, but I haven't been happy with how my running has gone for much of 2012.
dimanche 21 octobre 2012
samedi 20 octobre 2012
vendredi 19 octobre 2012
Higgins Hullaballoo: New Study
Higgins Hullaballoo: New Study: I briefly told you about starting the new study from Good Morning Girls . I h
ave been going for 3 days now and am loving it. It is so amazi...
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune Cookie
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune Cookie: © Cfdesignz | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos We often order Chinese food in my job and share our fortunes from the cooki...
my techdirt: "331FLR is an unknown device" DL360 Gen8 and DL380...
my techdirt: "331FLR is an unknown device" DL360 Gen8 and DL380...: Issue: customer who is trying to certify VMware ESX4.1U2 on the DL360 Gen8 and DL380 Gen8. They seem to be using the correct driver but t...
jeudi 18 octobre 2012
mardi 16 octobre 2012
lundi 15 octobre 2012
dimanche 14 octobre 2012
samedi 13 octobre 2012
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Seeing 1, 11, 111 and 1111: Messages from Angels
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Seeing 1, 11, 111 and 1111: Messages from Angels: In Doreen Virtues' Angel Numbers 101 book, she writes, "Since angels give you guidance with respect to every area of your life, as your re
Down to Egypt: Taboriste to the Una River (War and Peace)
wn to Egypt: Taboriste to the Una River (War and Peace)
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Feeling the "Mega" in the Millions of Moments
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Feeling the "Mega" in the Millions of Moments: The past few weeks, the "Mega M
illions" lotto game jackpot continued to rise to last night's $640 million dollars- the highest ever in the...
vendredi 12 octobre 2012
-=Save the Croissants=-: CWA Mini–Sode: An Early Hallowe’en Costume
-=Save the Croissants=-: CWA Mini–Sode: An Early Hallowe’en Costume: Dr. Smith fished a piece of
machined steel out of his pants pocket, eyeballing it above the thing he was working on. He shook his he...
Communiqués de Chrome: Chrome OS Management Console mise à jour
ommuniqués de Chrome: Chrome OS Management Console mise à jour
jeudi 11 octobre 2012
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Appreciating Contrast: Results from My Facebook Po...
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Appreciating Contrast: Results from My Facebook Po...: Last month, I asked a "Question" on Facebook designed for deliberate creators. The question was this: "The fastest way to get what
we want...
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune Cookie
Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune Cookie: © Cfdesignz | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime S
tock Photos We often order Chinese food in my job and share our fortunes from the cooki...
The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Another Outdoorsy Caricature
The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Another Outdoorsy Caricature: Just wanted to share this caricature I drew of a friend -
he enjoys coming walking with us but lets us do all the planning and just tags al...
The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Neglect
The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Neglect: Dear Blog Sorry for the awful neglect you are going through. I just don't find t
he time to update as often as I would like. I'm busy runni...
Tredegar House: Hush, Hush: The Peculiar Career of Lord Tredegar
Tredegar House: Hush, Hush: The Peculiar Career of Lord Tredegar: One of the more intriguing characters in the long, colourful history of Tredegar House is its last occupant, the exotic Evan Morgan, 2nd Vis...
mercredi 10 octobre 2012
Google Apps update alerts: Scheduled Release track features update 10/9/12
Google Apps update alerts: Scheduled Release track features update 10/9/12: No new features have launched this week. The following features are intended for release to these domains on October 16th : No new featu...
BahamaDawn: Come check out the Button Swap!
BahamaDawn: Come check out the Button Swap!: Happy Mother's Day! Today is the reveal for a Button Sw
ap, that I joined. Thank you, Cindy Wimmer , for putting this great swap togeth...
Scrapbooking and Other Tidbits: Studio J - Buy 9, Get 1 Free!
Scrapbooking and Other Tidbits: Studio J - Buy 9, Get 1 Free!: A few of my favorite things about Studio J -
No cropping of photos, just click and drag to a photo well. The program sizes it for me....
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- Another Mile: Hitting Reset
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- Higgins Hullaballoo: New Study
- Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune C...
- my techdirt: "331FLR is an unknown device" DL360 G...
- Officiel Blog Google Enterprise: Go go gadget ... ...
- Google Affiliate Network: Rencontre de beauté lanc...
- 10% Price Drop: Sharp Stainless Steel Countertop...
- Google Affiliate Network: Trouvez rapidement des l...
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- Journey of A Spirited Strider: Seeing 1, 11, 111 a...
- Down to Egypt: Taboriste to the Una River (War and...
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- Journey of A Spirited Strider: Feeling the "Mega" ...
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- -=Save the Croissants=-: CWA Mini–Sode: An Early H...
- Communiqués de Chrome: Chrome OS Management Consol...
- Journey of A Spirited Strider: Appreciating Contra...
- Journey of A Spirited Strider: Love in a Fortune C...
- The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Another Outdoorsy Caricature
- The Dog's Outdoor Blog: Neglect
- Tredegar House: Hush, Hush: The Peculiar Career of...
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- (110) Abt Electronics
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- BahamaDawn: Come check out the Button Swap!
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- Scrapbooking and Other Tidbits: Studio J - Buy 9, ...
- ~~Heart's Delight Cards~~: SUO54 - For the Kiddies!
- ~~Heart's Delight Cards~~: HYCCT1201A, Show What Y...
- I Love Dino: Happy Birthday, Singapore!!!
- I Love Dino: Happy Father's Day
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- Twisted By Life (Simplify and Exaggerat...
- Personal Development for the 21st Century: Change ...
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